Knowing code drives our initial decisions to optimize SEO and design for mobile devices, first.
With a passion for quality content from videos and websites to articles, Lisa develops clear strategies.
Established in 1995, Garrison Ridge comprises a collection of creative talent led by Lisa Long.
From wellness, fitness, and healthcare to the transportation industry, we facilitate positive change.
From managing an NFL team's Broadcasting and Creative Services Department to a nationally recognized children's newsmagazine and long-form documentaries, Lisa tells inspiring stories about real people.
American Association of Railroads, American Heritage Foundation, Body Balance Institute, Baptist Health, Beaches Baptist Medical Center, Body Balance Yoga - School of Yoga Therapy, CSX, Elevated Movement, Green Relief, Jacksonville Jaguars, Jacksonville Children's Commission, Nemours Childrens Clinic, Operation Respond, SMART, SunTrust Banks, Swisher International, UTU, Washington Hospital Center, William Cook Agency, WTAJ-TV, WTLV-TV, WUSA-TV
CINE Golden Eagle
Iris Award, NATPE
Golden Apple, NEA
Telly Awards - 23 total